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Long-Term Care: A Women’s Issue

Women care. They spend their whole lives taking care of those around them. Their children, their spouse, their parents, the dog, the cat, the hamster…but there comes a point where it is time to take care of yourself.

Good and bad news – women live longer than men. On industry average, about 5 years. Our longevity and caregiving nature; however, contributes to higher rates of disability and chronic health problems. More than 70% of Ontario’s nursing home residents are…you guessed it, women! [1] Long-term care is truly a women’s issue.

Many of us believe that our basic health insurance will cover the costs if one day we are unable to care for ourselves. Ladies, this is not the case. Those who end up needing care and do not have the means to pay for it themselves are often forced to rely on their friends and family for support. Unfortunately we have witnessed this situation and the emotional, physical and financial toll it takes on the caregiver, who is most often a daughter trying to balance an ailing parent, full-time job and family of their own. Sound familiar?

There are solutions available so that you do not have to worry about placing an unnecessary burden on your loved ones or risk depleting your life savings to receive high quality care. Working with our team can help answer questions like what is long-term care insurance? How does it work? When should I get coverage? How much do I need? What will it cost? It is always worth the conversation. Contact us today. We are an all-female team. We get it. We care.


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Posted In: Insurance